Monday, August 18, 2014

First week with Elder Lopez!

Well this week was my hardest week I have had out in the mission field! Sometimes as missionaries we forget that the mission isn't suppose to be easy. To be honest I thought it was only spiritually rough. But after this week I have felt that it is rough on our bodies and brains and spiritualness. I have been truly humbled and I have felt the Saviors love in my life and I know how I can be strong from now on! When I heard Hunter (my cousin) was having a hard time in his mission I felt the need to tell him to keep pushing and going... but I was hypocritical because this last week it was super hard for me to do that. All I wanted to do was to give up. I felt like I couldn't talk to my companion and I felt like there was no one else around to help, I felt lost. BUT then I opened my mouth. I talked to my companion and I kept talking I told him how I felt and just let everything out. Seriously felt great... on top of that he reminded me that we are weak! but through God we are powerful!!
Earlier today he showed me a Mormon message called la expiacion y obra missional... I don't know it in English but it was strong. It helped me remember that we are only feeling 01 percent of what Christ went through. As missionaries we have two years... yes it looks long but its not. It goes by fast and with what time we have we need to press forward and every night we get home we should collapse to the floor because of how hard we worked. 
I know that God lives and he loves us..... yes sometimes he gives us some challenges to accomplish but God also gives us a way around it... or through it to make it easier. We need to all remember that through God and his son Jesus Christ we can accomplish any mountain!

I love you all!! thank you so much for all you love and support. 

Peace ya gringos!!!

Chase is okay. His back has been hurting him and his President wanted him to be checked out!

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