Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Letter to Dad!

I had something telling me for a while now that I was going to train and it got stronger and stronger the last change. I have thought a lot about my mission and it's going to end so fast. I really just want to give it more and more every day. It's been a little rough just because training is something new for me and I have to lead and teach. My companion is from California and is a big football player... it's funny because people thought that I was big and now they don't know what to think. 
It amazes me to think that all the younger boys in our ward  are all priests now and I feel so old thinking that. I'm excited to see them and their progress since I have been gone. I really have learned so much about the gospel and it is so necessary to have so be can be happy. It hurts my heart when I talk to someone that is just so stubborn they don't want to listen to us and see what message we have to offer. Like today, a lady that is a Jehovah witness attacked us and before she could try and make me mad I just asked her what she was trying to do. It really is sad that some people are so prideful and don't want to let God into their lives. 
I  just want to be the best companion for my "kid" in the mission and I always tell him that he needs to tell me when I am doing something he doesn't like so I can change because I never liked it when my companions did certain things. It worry's me that I will bug him and I don't want that. But, we are going to have a good time together and it's been a good first week!
I love you Dad thanks for everything. 

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