Our star investigator is named Pedro and he was so busy this last week that we weren't able to meet with him and that was LAME!! At the end of the week we had to enter in the house early because it's like a day when the punks go out and fight with the cops... basically that. Its stupid!! haha But we had planned to do a lot in that time and well we weren't able to leave and work.. so it was a bummer. But on Saturday night last week we got down to pray and in our prayers we asked for a "milagro" or a miracle, and to show us blessings for our works. We showed up to church and someone told us, "Hey Pedro is here." In my mind was like Pedro, who is brother Pedro I haven't meet him yet. haha then we found out that our investigator had come to church!! I seriously had to old my tears back. It was amazing to see the answered prayers.
I know that God lives and loves us. I know that He wants the best for us and if we follow Him and do what He wants, He will help us and we will never feel lost. I'ts important that we don't blind ourselves from Gods power and that we put all our trust in Him. I am so thankful for everything I have in my life and for this time I have to serve!!
I love you all and pray for the best!!
Con mucho amor y cariño,
Elder smith